Hi, my name is

Alexander Martínez

“In my art, I create situations one can see in daily life. It shows the decline we are currently experiencing in Venezuela.”

Alexander Martínez has developed a promising career for more than three decades and has received international recognition in Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Switzerland, and the US. His early works showed more figurative art, but then he started using space as a compositional element while his interest in cities progressed. In his later work he introduces an important turn in his representation of space, showing urban cartography through an aerial perspective. He brings his bird-eye vision of Caracas’ urban chaos through graphic narratives, delving into the connections between people, geography, and the daily dynamics of the metropolis.

Alexander Martínez taller (4)

Showing all 3 results

En la calle 4


Jardín Urbano


La búsqueda III
