Ángel Mieres
Angel Mieres’ work (Caracas, 1980), has the rose as the main character which has an artistic, historic, and cultural meaning. He represents the flower with gentleness, ephemeral condition, and fragility. With the powerful meaning of this image, he has found the best way to express a rich, inner world of spiritual concerns, “there are some days where we should be able to find the best way to look at the beauty of our environment, of settling the love and keeping it.”
This artist has a special tendency to poetry, and the efficiency of the word that comes with the image. That’s why many of his artworks show words and phrases that turn into anchors that explain their motives. The union between painting and writing in a composition, guides to a deeper perception of the topic. He studied in the School of Art Cristobal Rojas in Caracas. Mieres has numerous individual exhibitions in Venezuela (2004), Costa Rica (2008), and the USA (2009). He also has collective exhibitions in the aforementioned locations, alongside countries like Puerto Rico, Russia, Panama, Canada, Switzerland, France, and Colombia. In 1999, he won the scholarship for the Art Institute of Bournemouth in England, and also won honorable Mention in the Young Artists’ Hall Hector Poleo in Caracas. A year later, he obtained the First Award from the American Airlines Hall in New York.