Ileana Rincón-Cañas
Ileana Rincón-Cañas (1975) was born in Venezuela and there she studied Advertising and Marketing. Later, she completed a Master’s Degree in 3D Animation in Spain. She currently lives in the United States, and she has worked as a motion graphic designer and as a 3D artist for more than 20 years, hence her expertise and thoroughness in digital image post-production.
Regarding the magical and fantastic atmosphere of her images, she declares: “My photographs are an inverted reality and a reverse of the logic that does not come from my dreams as in surrealism, but are born in my imagination”. Her aesthetic has a certain pictorial configuration and, especially, the artist recognizes a powerful artistic influence from painters such as Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, Giorgio de Chirico and René Magritte.