Discover Truly Unique Art

Discover Truly Unique Art

Mateo Torres


Mateo Torres

  • Born in 1997
  • Painter
  • Style: Realism / Hyperrealism
  • Born in Colombia
  • Based in Colombia
  • Works on commissions

Mateo Torres is an artist born in Barranquilla, Colombia in 1997. He graduated from the Escuela Distrital de Artes, and he is currently studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad del Atlántico. Being very young he has cultivated a prolific career, participating in collective exhibitions at national and international level. He also obtained two Honorable Mentions in Painting Salons. Currently, his work is represented in private collections in Panama, the United States and Colombia.

We observe that the artist has a masterful handling of the technique of drawing and painting, thus, he develops a figurative work, with a tendency that could be categorized as realistic, even hyperrealistic. Hand in hand with Torres’ solid visual language, the content of his work unfolds, which is linked to his memory and personal and family experiences. He establishes “The social problems in Colombia since the 90s have significantly affected the imaginary of my work. Forced displacement, disappearances and/or murders in the region of origin of my family nucleus are the factors that move me to compose a visual narrative based on symbols and elements in which I intend to communicate the physical and psychological effects on social development from my childhood to adulthood perspective”.

The Preconsciente (Preconscious) Series portrays anonymous human figures, covered by what appear to be straitjackets, and builds images where he attempts to refer to the psychotic illnesses. It is fundamental for the artist to represent the struggle between the internal and external realities inherent to the human. The production of this series took place during the time of confinement due to the pandemic, which is why it also refers to and opens debate on the situation of internal-external reality confrontation that we experienced as humanity.

The visual discourse of Mateo Torres is powerfully reflexive and critical insofar as it combines what appear to be opposing notions. Such is the case of the series Reminiscencias de bolsillo (Pocket Reminiscences) and Notas de supervivencias (Survival Notes), where the artist links images related to childhood -Play Station, Super Nintendo, and GameCube commands- and adds notes that seem to be “dialogues, messages and survival tips that are transmitted between individuals belonging to communities submerged in violence, motivated by the fear of death”.

Ana Beatriz García

In the Studio




“Primer Salón Distrital de Artistas Plásticos y Visuales”. Barranquilla, Colombia. 


 “Encuentros”. Galería de la Plaza de la Paz, Barranquilla, Colombia.

 “Cardinales”. Centro Cultural Comfamiliar Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia.


“El caribe. Puerto Libre Del Arte y la Cultura”. Fundación La Cueva, Barranquilla, Colombia.

“Primer Salón Departamental de Arte de Carnaval”. Centro Cultural Comfamiliar Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia. 

“Quinto Salón de Artistas Jóvenes”. Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla, Barranquilla, Colombia.

Exhibición Colectiva en Centro Cultural Mónaco, La Habana, Cuba.


 “III Salón Distrital de Artistas Plásticos y Visuales”. Barranquilla, Colombia.

“Salón de Artistas Emergentes” Galería Plaza de la Paz Juan Pablo II, Barranquilla, Colombia. 


 “Rostros del Caribe”. Alianza Francesa de Barranquilla, Colombia.

“Matices”. Casa verde, Barranquilla, Colombia.


“MokanArt”. Centro Comercial Buena Vista, Barranquilla, Colombia. 


“Feria del Millón Caribe 2021”. Museo del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia.

“Todo a 500”. Galería el Bunker, Medellín, Colombia. 

“Feria 75”. Elsa Galería, Barranquilla, Colombia.

Primera Mención de honor en “El caribe. Puerto Libre Del Arte y la Cultura. Primer Salón Departamental de Arte de Carnaval”. Fundación La Cueva, Barranquilla, Colombia.

→ Mención de honor. “Quinto Salón de Artistas Jóvenes”. Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla, Barranquilla, Colombia.

→ Ganador de la convocatoria “MokanArt”. Centro Comercial Buena Vista, Barranquilla, Colombia.

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