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Discover Truly Unique Art


Arte Original presents:

Mother's Day Collection


Anny Bello

On special and celebratory occasions like this Mother’s Day, we present a collection of diverse trends, linked by a contemporary treatment of the image. With this group of artworks, we want to pay homage to the mother figure as a sacred symbol that generates life, on which the cultivation of human affections and values ​​is based. Great women, through their maternal role, have been a fundamental base in the formation of new generations. Anonymous or well-known mothers, they have bequeathed extraordinary values ​​towards art and culture. And right at this point I want to stop.

While I was writing this article, already following an idea of ​​what I wanted, the image of a book, which I held in my hands for a short time, but which left a deep impression on me, repeatedly arose. The book was a very personal publication, very familiar, –until now it is not a public circulation edition– that a son made for his mother. He made it as a gift in which he highlighted his mother’s work as an art lover. He selected certain pieces from his collection –from a much larger group– with which he put together a story about women in different times, seen through different artists. This selection allowed her to show her mother’s taste and her preference for a thematic and stylistic line. Without thinking about it, this gesture placed the mother on the same level as the artistic work and the auric value of the women represented. Well, without the determination he had, that collection would not exist, that book would not have been published, nor would the idea of ​​a better recognition than that have arisen.

But at the same time, as much as this, what was essential for me, were the memories narrated by his son, associated with those pieces, his mother and family history wrapped in loving evocations full of admiration. Such sensibility, unwittingly or not, was fostered by a mother who had a clear passion, which she shared and made close to her own. Her example permeated in such a way that it awakened in them the understanding of the value of art as a way of knowledge, of living and human expression.

Women of outstanding presence in history, stopped at this fascinating threshold of the world of art. They crossed the barriers of conventionalism and became artists, promoted other artists, became patrons and collectors. And beyond any mercantile benefit, they were able to highlight outstanding aesthetic values, whose contributions we are grateful for today. This fighting role of women and mothers placed them in a position of ascending influence.

The collection that we present is detached from the usual vision of the maternal. Rather, we opted for a proposal of contemporary languages ​​with artworks that show outstanding aesthetic qualities. This spirit is nothing more than the result of the training, commitment, and experience of its authors. Surely behind these artists there are stories similar to the one we have narrated, in which the push of the mothers left the seed of art sown as the central axis around which the future has been woven. Possibly without such guidance and support these works would not exist, neither these artists, nor their teachers, nor their collectors, we would not even be writing these lines.

Many of us, at some point, have been snatched up in front of a work. We have felt that there is no better way to express our emotions than through an image with which we find an inexplicable connection. These concerns that naturally awaken in the soul, lead us to elevate ourselves and discover our talents. If we have the land leveled, the journey becomes lighter. Serve this tribute to all mothers who are participants in this creative alchemy.


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